IIW -vaalitulosten lykkääntyminen


IIW vaalien tuloksen saaminen  siirtyy edelleen, koska Britanniassa toimistot pysyvät suljettuina hallituksen päätöksellä, eikä ääntenlaskua voida suorittaa. Pääkonttori tiedottaa sähköpostitse, verkkosivullaan ja sosiaalisessa mediassa heti, kun tilanne muuttuu ja voidaan päästä asiassa eteenpäin. Tässä linkki IIW:n sivuilla olevaan, 15.5. päivättyyn tiedotteeseen.

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IIW:n työvaliokunta on arvioinut kokouksessaan 27.3.2020, että IIW vaalin tulos on julkaistavissa aikaisintaan 27.4.2020 alkavalla viikolla. Britanniassa toimistot on suljettu ja ei-välttämätön matkustaminen kielletty koronapandemian takia, joten ääntenlasku viivästyy. Oheisena IIWP Phyllisin tiedote asiasta.

Dear Inner Wheel members,

The IIW Executive Committee met on 27th March 2020 over a conference call to discuss various potential impacts of the worrying global pandemic and the measures that need to be taken to try to keep IIW functioning.

Primary concern was the effect on the IIW Elections, the vote for which closes on 31st March 2020.In the light of the UK Government’s statement that all non-essential travel should be avoided and offices closed, both IIW HQ and our auditors / independent adjudicators of the election count, RPG, have complied.

As the UK ‘lockdown’ is due to continue until at least 14th April, it is not possible for the votes to be counted, due to Government guidance and compliance with Health and Safety.

A revised estimate of the election count process being completed and ready to announce, is for it to be available during the week starting 27th April 2020. This is based upon the currently known situation, which as has been seen in recent times, is changeable at very short notice. This is being monitored and reviewed on a regular basis.

The Executive Committee are sure that you will all understand the decisions are necessary to protect our office staff and our suppliers, to comply with Government guidance and to ensure the independence and integrity of the IIW Election process.

The thoughts, prayers and best wishes from the Exec go out to you all in this trying and extraordinary time for everyone throughout the world.

Together we can

Phyllis Charter
IIW President 2019-2020