International Inner Wheel is one of the largest women’s service voluntary organisations in the world and are active in more than 104 countries
International Inner Wheel has three key objectives:
- To Promote True Friendship
- To Encourage the Ideals of Personal Service
- To Foster International Understanding
In Brief……Friendship and Service
Any woman who shares the three central aims of International Inner Wheel can join the organization.

During the war years in England, the Rotary men were overburdened with service needs so they asked the wives to help. Women joined together formed a bond and found they enjoyed meeting other wives of Rotarians – women they probably would never have met otherwise. When the pressure of war times was over, they realized they did not want to disband-so the first idea of forming a club began.
On January 10, 1924, Mrs Oliver Golding (Margaret), became the first President of an Inner Wheel Club in Manchester, England. The idea of Inner Wheel spread quickly and many clubs were soon formed. The Manchester Club became the model upon which the movement is based. Due to the leadership, inspiration and vision of Mrs. Golding the clubs were formed into districts. Together the districts formed the Association of Inner Wheel in Great Britain and Ireland.
International Inner Wheel began in July 1967
The first Inner Wheel club in Finland was established in Järvenpää in 1958.
At the moment there are 4 districts (d139, d140, d141 and d 142), 26 clubs and 760 members in Inner Wheel Finland. One club in Estonia is also part of Inner Wheel Finland, district 142. Inner Wheel Finland is coordinated by the National Governing Body which was established in 2000.
Our history started with the Rotary, but are we now an independent and economically self-sufficient association.
- International Inner Wheel
- National Governing Bodies
- Non Districted Clubs
- Districts (4 clubs form a district)
- Clubs (12 members form a club)
International Inner Wheel holds a Convention, open to all members, every three years.
Every year there is an international theme. The National Governing Body translates it into Finnish, or can leave it in English.
Each club has complete freedom of choice to arrange:
- Programs
- Select its own charities and
- Channels of service
Typical agenda would include
- club matters
- financial reports
- upcoming activities
- speakers can be invited to address the members
There are standing Rules and a Constitution to follow.
A member may visit another Inner Wheel Club in any country and is always assured a warm welcome. One of the greatest joys of Inner Wheel is the opportunity given to members all over the world to get to know one another, thus contribution to international friendship and understanding.

Inner Wheel clubs, districts and countries taka part in a wide range of work for charities and causes across the world with the aim of giving people better lives. Our social focus in in children and women both locally and world-wide.