IIWP Phyllisin pääsiäistervehdys 9.4.2020


Easter Greetings,

No matter where we live, whether it is spring or autumn, this is the time of year when in “normal” situations many Inner Wheel Members would celebrate the Easter Festival with their family and friends. They would follow this by having a wonderful time with their children and grandchildren hunting Easter eggs around the house or garden and eating too much chocolate. This year it will be different, for with many Churches closed and families in lockdown the only way we can say greetings to our loved ones will be via social media.

Wherever we are in the world, I am sure that there is no one that has not prayed for an end to this virus and its tragic results.

This Easter weekend let us all say a prayer to give us inspiration, new hope, health and friendship in abundance with peace throughout the world.

Paul and I are still all in lockdown, which means I have been completing too much housework and gardening when I should have been visiting so many of you with your rallies, conferences, meetings and just good Inner Wheel friendship – which is what I have enjoyed and I have missed.

Last July I made a promise to myself that I would try to talk to as many members as possible whilst attending all these functions. This is how I have met so many interesting members, from possibly the youngest President to a member that has been in Inner Wheel almost all her life. With so many members in so many countries leading very interesting lives with interesting stories to tell, I could write a book. It has proved to me that no matter what their age Inner Wheel members are very talented, Inspirational and Innovative.

This weekend, let us not only acknowledge and remember in our prayers all the people that are working to save our lives, place food on our tables or in a position that is not normal but also those families that have lost their dear ones.

My prayers and heart are with you all at this testing time, so please stay at home and save lives but also please stay safe as INNER WHEEL NEEDS YOU for tomorrow.

Love and best wishes for a healthy Easter and hopefully it will not be long before “together we can” overcome these difficult times and renew our friendships face to face.
