Auta meitä auttamaan Beirutia

IIW on käynnistänyt avustuskeräyksen Libanonissa Beirutin räjähdyksen jälkeiseen hätään. Kansallinen Neuvosto antaa ohjeeksi piireille ja klubeille, että mahdolliset vapaaehtoiset avustukset tulee lähettää 15.10.2020 mennessä Kansallisen Neuvoston rahastonhoitajalle, joka siirtää ne eteenpäin.

Lisätietoja alla olevasta Angelika Walden viestistä sekä oheisesta Fundraising-tiedostosta.

Help us to help Beirut

Dear Board Directors, Past Board Directors, and IW Friends,

Everyone has been shocked regarding the explosion in Beirut and the situation the people of Beirut are having to deal with in their everyday lives.

Gemma Pirondini, one of the IIW  Board Directors for 20/21 who is the NDC’s contact for the Lebanon immediately contacted the Lebanon IW coordinator, Rula Karam, Gemma asked Rula what was needed in Beirut, she was told that the most important objective was the repairing and refurnishing of the hospitals, which have been greatly damaged or destroyed in the explosion.

Gemma and I got together and asked our IIW President and the 2O/21 IIW Board Director’s what help could be given through IIW to Beirut.  Thankfully most of the Board Director’s gave a positive ‘Yes’ to our suggestion.

Gemma and I have started the project on a private basis but using our IIW Board connections.

We have now carefully prepared everything and are looking for your help.

Yours in Friendship
Angelika Walde, Switzerland & Gemma Pirondini, Italie